Yes, we can track google Adsense data with the help of google analytics. The Google Adsense campaigns are mainly tracked to check the performance of our Adsense campaigns. We can track CTR to check how many clicks are coming on our ads. We can also identify what are the effective placements where your visitors pay more attention and figure out low performing ads.
Before the link to our account, we need to have AdSense code used to show ads and also have admin access on both (Adsense or Analytics) accounts to implement the changes.
There are the steps to track AdSense campaign with the help of Google Analytics –
- Sign in to Google Analytics Account after that click on the Admin tab.
- After that select, the Analytics account associated with the property we need to link with the account.
- In the “Property” column, select the Analytics property want to link, and click AdSense Linking.
- Now the AdSense Linking page will appear, here click on + New AdSense Link.
- Select the AdSense property that wants to link with Analytics property, after that click “Continue”.
- Select the views in which want AdSense data are available and click Enable Link.
- Click on Done Button your account will be linked.