For a blogger, traffic is the encouragement to write for internet users. Its a kind of appreciation and acceptance of the work. but how you can generate traffic on a blog. Proper planning of blog promotion will help you in generating traffic for your site.
After analyzing many failures in blogging we have prepared a guide that will help you to promote your blog and generate traffic. Read the points we have mention and apply accordingly
Blog Promotion Tips For Bloggers
Blog promotion can be done with different activities. But you must know the sequence of activities you should follow. Here are the tips to follow for blog promotion-
Post longer and unique content
Content length is an important factor for ranking. The purpose of writing content is to solve a query some query needs more explanation and some of them need less. Here content length plays a role. The search engine knows which query needs more explanation. As a blogger, you need to analyze which query needs more explanation and the content should be lengthy.
Lengthy content has 2 main advantages. First, you can add more keywords to your content that is relevant to your content and second, the session time of your blog will also increase. because it takes time to read informative and unique content.
Mostly search engine gives priority to longer, unique and comprehensive blog. From the analysis of Google, Bing, and Yahoo, we found that contains more than 2000 words give more rank rather than fewer words. The blog/article which is very comprehensive over 8,000 words attracts more visitors to the blog/article.
Post More Articles
Bloggers mostly ignore this so that they fail to get proper rank. One of the most efficient and best methods is to post more blogs frequently (Who post 20+ blog monthly will get 4 to 5 times more traffic from those who publish between 0 – 10 blog posts monthly).
Frequent post shows that you are an active blogger. This is an important factor to get the trust of the search engine. So, with taking care of long content if a blogger increases the frequency of blogging in each week then definitely they can see the difference between previous traffic to present traffic.
Optimize your Blog in terms of SEO
SEO is one of the traffic generating techniques used in internet marketing. With the help of SEO, you can attract lots of organic traffic from different search engines. So we advise, either learn about search engine optimization or take help from other SEO experts. Also, there are types of SEO that may harm your blogger. So if you are hiring an SEO expert, he should be an expert in white hat SEO.
Who having the sound knowledge of Search Engine Optimization can give the best ranking to a blog by proper analysis and optimization of a keyword. So every blogger should know the SEO Technique. By SEO, a blogger can attract organic traffic from different search engines with the help of relevant keywords. Before publishing the Blog keep the strong blogger outreach plan. Create a blogger email list and email them to let them know about your article; ask them to share your article, resulting in lots of traffic generate in your article or blog.

if you simply publish your blog, then remain silent and think the traffic will come to your blog, then nothing will happen. In the world’s most sought-after search engine or website “Google” says “update yourself means your blog in a regular manner so that you will keep updating in the research of SEO and utilizing the all technique to attract the traffic in an active way only the one reason to get blogging success”. No shortcut is there in organic or white hat world.
Guest Blogging
One of the fastest and rapid ways to promote your blog is by Guest blogging. Benefit of guest posting is, it enhances traffic, quality backlinks, and increased brand exposure. Guest blogging we can do by two methods: You write a post to appear on another person’s blog or another person writes a post to appear on your blog.
Guest blogging is one of the best inbound marketing strategies. For better result in Guest blogging keep some tricks in mind:
- Make guest blogging to a more popular blog than your
- Priority gives to that blog which no of subscribers is at least 10 to 1000.
- Blogging to that blog which content is more relevant to your blog.
- Write a blog with some research image specifically, most appropriate is info-graphic with image source or screenshot.
- Including a call to action to invite comments
- Target the search string to find a perfect niche.
Example: “Search Term” + “Search value parameter” like
Keyword + “guest article”
Keyword + “guest post”
Keyword + “submit blog post”
Keyword + “submit content”
Keyword + “submit post”
Keyword + “submit an article”
Keyword + “become a guest blogger”
Keyword + “become an author”
Keyword + “become guest writer”
Keyword + “submit article”
Keyword + “guest author”
Keyword + “send a tip”
Keyword + “submit news”
Keyword + “guest blogger”
Commenting on other Blog
The appropriate comment on a highly authoritative blog can send you lots of traffic. Find the Top high traffic gaining blog on the internet and start right commenting on that blog. Keep continue interaction on a daily basis with some extent like 15 days or one month.
However, adding value to the conversations with blogger or communities make more trust and visitor notice you and visit your blog which leads to more visitors in your blog.
By continuing this process you might even get a link, or invitation to do the guest blogging.
Create an Email Campaign
Email is such traditional and powerful medium for generating traffic to the new blog. The more the traffic you generate to your blog means more leads you will get. But here the question comes to your mind that how do you make it happen?
- Start create shortlisted some best blogger and add them to your email account
- Research and find out some blogger email id to check in the NICHE (Keyword + “best blogger”) and mark them as important.
- Apart from blogger, you can add on some SEO professional, some content writer or personals who are really given priority to read or share content.
- Make a database of people whom you add to your email list and send email but in this un-category group drop a note in the below of the email body that “if you are not interested to receive this type of email just reply with YES or NO”
Means — follow Spam Tips EVERY Time You Send Email! And maintain accordingly
- Keep your email body short and easy to understand and share your published blog link there.
- Properly use alt tag (if using an image), Title and Link with a clean Text.
- Send Test Emails Before Sending to Main List
- Always Ask Users to Add you to Their Contact List
Share your Blog in Social media
The best easiest way to get double traffic in a new blog only on social media. Developing and Executing the Social Media Strategy takes a major role to generate traffic for a new blog. Simply creating social media profiles and sharing your blog to engaging with people, mainly share our top blog pages, and, interacting in different groups to grow your social media reach. Regularly by doing post updates and report to old blog gives more traffic in any web-based social networking media. If anyone takes care about the frequency of posting and timing of post then definitely can double the traffic. One great way of publishing your blog on social media more than once. Below is the hypothetical example you can refer to.
As soon as we publishing a new blog if we promote that post on social media and also we share with each of our networks like Pinterest, Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook we will get a certain number of clicks.
When we share it in the second time we can’t get that much of click. But if we share the Blog again a third time, the traffic generated (combine second and third post share) more than doubles from the first share. The strategies that must bloggers follow is shared your post twice daily on Facebook, thrice daily on Google+ and Twitter and 5 times daily on Interest.
Read: Best time to post on Social Media
Before doing social sharing we have to follow some instruction:

- Take your followers into consideration: Convey the message that they consider you share for them not for you
- Give priority or value to the customer: What I said before Like sharing blog more than once actually a very good thing, as long as you are giving priority to your audience.
- Don’t react if you get the negative comment: Be silence if you get some comment which you wouldn’t like. Just think you are not the first one who deserves this. Before you also so many bloggers face this. Consider this is part and parcel of any work.
- Start Cross Promotion: You start promoting other bloggers content and the same way they will also promote you. But the blogger should have similar traffic like you.
- Share the content on the Blogging Community: Search the different Blogging community on the internet and create your account there and you can also share your blog there to get a certain amount of traffic.
- Publish your Blog in Topmost Forums: Forums is the best way to get traffic. The topmost forum gets millions of monthly visitors but you have to create your value by interacting there.
- Enable the social share buttons on your Blog: Adding social share buttons to your blog will lead to more shares of your content and resulting in increased traffic.
- Share the infographic with your Blog: It is the proven technique of many best blogger where they may not get traffic from a blog but if they share info-graphic, they get thousands of traffic. so it’s pretty good you share your blog with an infographic.
Promote Your Blog on Question /Answer Sites like Quora
Quora is very obsessive, informational and a great way to socialize online, who loves to do chatting with strangers online, is the best platform. Quora lets its users submit questions, but you can also answer questions as well. The best part in Quora is you can Keep track of how many people viewed your Blog and how many upvoted get. One of the wonderful parameters of Quora is that a person can become a top writer in different categories.
While Quora is an excellent question site in online, but there are so many other websites like Quora, where you can start interaction like Quora
- Yahoo Answers
- Stack Exchange
- The Answer Bank
- IFixit
- Question2Answer
Try to Create Quality backlink in your blog
Create backlink by doing Bookmarking(One of the Off page seo Technique).Focus on One way, Two-way and Three-way backlink gaining strategy by off page seo technique, which will help your page value as well as increase traffic.
Do your blog page in Mobile friendly
Google has an algorithm that gives priority to mobile-friendly websites in ranking basis as compared to a non-mobile friendly website. We also all know rather than Desktop, mobile internet usage is very high nowadays. So the blog page should be mobile-friendly. It increases your views and ranking.
Moreover, most of the people are active on social media on their mobile so the chances of getting social traffic are also increasing. All in all, it will increase your blogger views.
Make website Faster
If a website is slow, then we lose half of our visitors. Make your website faster and watch your traffic increase significantly. So website or blogger page need to open in less than 3 seconds.
Blogging is a trend now and it is interesting to write about your expertise. On the internet, everyone appreciates the fresh and quality content. But you should know how to connect and engage online audiences. The blog contains enough information to rank a blog in any search engine.
If you have any queries regarding the topic feel free to connect through the comment box.
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