Honestly, website designing is very hard work! Hence, we brought the top 15 website design tips for beginners. Well, when it arrives to design a website. The very first thing to consider is how we will grab the attention of customers.
For instance, your site home-page, template, header, and much more are just some of the aspects that customize the website to really leave the last impression. As often said that the First impression is the last impression!
However, you may use the animated design, scrolling, and the light-boxes to surprise your visitors so that they keep visiting your site. Consequently, there are lots of website design techniques and tricks which you can simply implement on your website.
Thus, this is what we are elaborating here! Keep reading…
Website design tips for beginners
Rather than having the necessary technical skills, there is too much to be a great web designer. However, when it comes to building a website, whether, for you or your customers, success is not easy.
Hence, to increase your productivity and to keep your output looking fresh and modern. You need to be optimized for the search engine and conversion rates. Thus, it is essential to learn new tips and techniques as much as possible.
Now, let’s get cracked! To the top website design tips which are as follows:
1. Have a Plan
Don’t just begin to design your site. Your site is effectively meeting the needs of your customer you need to map out your customer’s journey from the first time they visit your site to the moment they become your customer.
Which website pages they are going to view, what content are they going to view, and which offers are they going to the convert on? Understanding these things will help you design a website that helps the nurture leads through your sales funnel.
However, you need to design your site for the next step, not for the final step. It is all about answering the right questions in the right way. This might be where context comes into the play. Then, use this data to map out the strategy.
2. Start your designs offscreen
Do you create codes and designs on the screen at a fast rate? Instead of jumping in and figuring out the things. Why not you turn to the trusty pencil and paper or use a whiteboard to plan an overall website offscreen first.
However, often use this approach to get an idea of where you want those specific elements to go. Much like how an architect uses the floor plans to plot out where windows and doors should go.
If a pen and paper are not appealed for adoption. Then, there are so many great wireframing and prototype web design tools available that can help you get your ideas quickly from your mind.
3. Fresh your website design
Nothing returns client off, like an outdated website. It’s immensely important to keep the website design modern, clean, and fresh. A cluttered, disorganized site signal to the potential buyers that your services will be similar to that of others.
Most of all, keep the website relevant to the modern consumer. For instance, make sure that your website is mobile-friendly and connected to social media accounts.
Don’t be the company that customer click away from your site due to poor downloading speeds, lack of whitespace, and inconvenient web design elements. Thus, optimize every part of the website to make sure that users stay on your web page for longer than two seconds.
You can use authentic images, easy to navigate interface, a clean layout, and poignant content to keep the visitors interested in your blog posts.
4. Use style guides
The style guide is a set of standards. However, the set of a standard is for writing and designing the documents. Hence, it is also known as a style sheet. And are popular in the publishing world.
Consequently, they can arrive in the form of large books or documents. That media publishers follow to maintain the same style during their content. It may include everything that how states and countries are labeled with the written numbers.
Hence, web designers can create their own style guides just to ensure that those sites have the same style throughout. Well, this is especially useful for designers who collaborate with the other freelancers.
5. Phase out sidebars
Phase out sidebars needs to create the clutter.
However, they meant to improve the usability of a website. By displaying additional navigational elements, like links to the recent posts and popular content or pages.
Often, the theory of sidebars says that sidebar contains the link to the related or latest released posts. Hence, compromising your site’s design in favor of a sidebar for marketing purposes cannot give may not even deliver the desired result.
Try to exclude the sidebar in your designs, especially if a website does not really need one, make your content the most important element on a page that forces the readers to focus on it.
6. Use appropriate font size
Big typography is not a new trend or design factor. But it is still a great practice to follow in 2018. The reason for this is that it has the power to grab or wrap the readers and to draw attention to your content.
Readability on small screens, like mobile devices. Has often played a major role in the growing trend. But it fits well with the popular minimalist and flat design trends.
Hence, a web design tip for 2018 is to try appropriate font sizes in their designs. Like minimum font size of 18 digits for body text, where this is understandable. However, this includes the text you place in your header image. You just need to focus on choosing a web-friendly typeface that scales well.
7. SEO and keywords
So, you have already chosen a unique and smart domain name that will help the clients find your site easily by typing it into the search engine. But what about the ones who are searching for the services for the first time?
Since all this activity has been done to create a site look brilliantly professional, we want to take them in to view it as well. This is where the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) comes in.
It is the technique of improving website traffic on the search engine results. It is all free and easy to do. However, the algorithm of the search engine is constantly changing while your competition is working on their SEO as well.
It means that you constantly have to track the traffic and get to know about your clients and the ever-changing part that the site owner can do. Thus, for this, you need to create a list of keyword for the same. Which you often believe about your clients they will search for to find you.
8. Create more space
Too much clutter can distract readers and may display a site in a very complex form. This is the reason why phasing out sidebars is recommended.
However, you should try to make more space in general. Rather than trying to include as many elements as you can on a page. Consequently, it helps a reader to focus on what is important while providing you the opportunity to build a better-looking design.
This space is usually known as white space or negative space. Often, this space does not always need to be white. Hence, reduce the amount of clutter in your designs. And include more space around elements to help and guide the users through your website.
Often said, whitespace can make it clear where a reader’s attention should be focused.
9. Create New or Unique Offerings
Converting the visitors is the core way to evaluate lots of users who are moving down to your marketing funnel. Many of us know that the way you typically convert visitors is by presenting the offers, demos, or items that they will find attractive in your website.
But with lots of resources out on the internet, it’s now more difficult than ever to break through the noise and get people converting on your site.
This means it’s important than ever to not only pay the attention to what offers and resources are out there within your services area, but what isn’t too.
Maybe you’re a social media company who notices many other competitors. Who are making the eBooks on how to create the social media calendar. Rather than creating the same offer, could you take it a step further and create the tool that allows the people to enter in some information details that helps to generate a schedule that syncs to their Google calendar?
10. Responsive Design isn’t Optional
The use of mobile devices is continuously growing. Especially when it arrives at accessing the site, this means that it is never been more important to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly.
Therefore, a major web design tip for 2018 is fully committed to responsive design. In the past, this means that the responsive design box should be checked on your To-Do list.
However, due to the maturing of this technique, you just have to start thinking more about the liquid layout. Think about the mobile-optimized images, whether the hamburger menu is the right choice and more.
11. Expand and Reevaluate Your Toolkit
Does working in your workflow make you feel more skilled or at least, more enjoyable? Then a web design tip that can help you, is to do a little research and find out if there is a new tool that meets your needs in a better manner.
As new web design tips are emerging all the time. So too the new web design tools are emerging.
Through to be updated over the industry, favorites like Adobe CC app for web designers are constantly updating in the designing sector. Thus, It is always worth keeping an eye out for something new that could help you to improve your workflow and enjoyment levels.
12. Simplify navigation
There may be a great way to keep people on your website i.e, placing the tons of links in your navigation menu, sidebar, blog posts, and even on the homepage.
But it may often go the other way. However, a complicated navigation system may lead to complications, though people may leave your site altogether.
Hence, placing fewer items in your navigation menus and eliminating sidebars are great ways to cut down the clutter that exists on your website. Placing and working with this technique may allow you to build a better-looking design without compromising the user experience or conversion rate.
13. Right images
Not every image is good with the type of message you are trying to show the audience.
Fortunately, you have a lot to choose from. But still, cause caught many of us decide to plague our site with the extremely stocky photos.
Just because the stock site has the image, does not mean it looks genuine and will evoke trust in your company. Ideally, you want to use the photos that draw images of the real person that work at your company and the office itself.
If the real photographs are not a choice, there are the techniques you can use to help pick an outright type of the image or photo. This will aid in bringing more realism to your company brand and making sure a photo match who you are and what your content is describing.
14. Mobile Optimization
Don’t ignore about optimizing your website for the mobile.
If you do not know, eighty percent of the internet users own a smartphone, and “Google says sixty-one of the users are unlikely to return to the mobile website. They had trouble accessing and forty percent visit a competitor’s website instead”.
Hence, it is recommended to make your website mobile-friendly, so, optimize it as soon as possible.
15. Security
Security is the backbone of the site and users do not realize this until something goes wrong.
However, by not securing your site the visual aspects got affected. This could be the malware virus, a hack or the plugin structure change due to update.
Prevent this from happening, security maintenance is the most important part of the professional website. Often, it is the tip which should be definitely adopted by a website developer.
Here, in this blog, we have discussed the Top 15 website design tips for beginners.
Often we concluded its layout, its definition, and the tips for the same in detail. They do add value to any blog post. And, this leads to the end of the blog.
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